Rising British singer Rita Ora continues to make a name for herself – in her latest interview she has revealed who she looks up to when it comes to style. She says she particularly likes Gwen Stefani and sees her as style icon and she is even the inspiration behind one of Rita’s signature looks:
“I always thought Gwen Stefani was so cool. I think I’m man enough to admit she made me want to wear red lipstick. When I saw it on her, I thought she was the prettiest person in the world.”
Rita is often compared to Rihanna but she doesn’t let the media comparisons get in to her head and she believes once her full album is released that comparison will no longer be there so she doesn’t feel the need to fight it:
“It’s a great comparison but I don’t think about it. When the album’s out, it’s going to separate me from that, without me having to say anything.”
Rita also gushes that she finds Kanye West to be a huge source of inspiration and she hopes to be a female version of the rapper:
“He’s one of my fashion icons. I’d love to be the female Kanye. I think he’s so cool and effortless.”