Rare Villagers in LEGO Fortnite: How to Find Them

LEGO Fortnite Rare Villagers
Image via Epic Games

The world of LEGO Fortnite is filled with quirky characters, but none are quite as unique as the Rare Villagers. These exceptional individuals offer valuable services and can significantly enhance your village’s prosperity.

What makes Rare Villagers so special?

Rare Villagers are much harder to find than their regular counterparts. However, the effort is worth it, as Rare Villagers offer a number of benefits:

  • Increased Village Rating: Having Rare Villagers in your village will increase its overall rating, which unlocks new features and upgrades.
  • Valuable Services: Each Rare Villager has a unique skillset that can be beneficial to your village. For example, the Armorer can create powerful armor and weapons, while the Librarian can teach you new recipes and enchantments.
  • Entertainment: Some Rare Villagers, like the Nitwit, are simply fun to have around. Their quirky personalities and silly antics can add a bit of life to your village.

Types of Rare Villagers

There are five types of Rare Villagers in LEGO Fortnite:

  • Nitwit: These silly villagers wear green hats and have a lot of energy. They’re not very good at any particular task, but they can be entertaining to have around your village.
  • Armorer: Skilled blacksmiths who can create powerful armor and weapons for you and your villagers.
  • Librarian: These knowledgeable individuals can teach you new recipes and enchantments, helping you advance your village’s technology and knowledge base.
  • Butcher: Skilled hunters who can provide your village with a steady supply of meat. They’re necessary to keep your villagers fed and healthy.
  • Fletcher: Skilled archers who can create powerful bows and arrows for you and your villagers.

How to find Rare Villagers

Unlike common villagers who readily appear, Rare Villagers require a bit more effort to find and attract to your village. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Locations: Rare Villagers can appear in various locations, including biomes like mountains, caves, and sometimes even on mountaintops.
  • Exploration: Sometimes, you might encounter a Rare Villager while exploring outside your village. You can invite them to explore with you and then bring them back to your settlement.

  • Picky Choices: Don’t expect Rare Villagers to join your village just because you found them. They often have specific requirements, like upgrades or improvements, before they agree to settle down.
  • Patience is Key: Once a Rare Villager outlines their requirements, don’t worry. They’ll patiently wait for you to fulfill them before joining your village.

Having a Rare Villager in your LEGO Fortnite village is a rewarding experience. Their unique skills and contributions can significantly enhance your village’s growth and development. By understanding their types, potential locations, and how to entice them, you can attract these rare individuals and unlock their full potential for your settlement.
