Power Book V: Influence season 1

Power Book V: Influence

What is Power Book V: Influence series status ?

Power Book V: Influence Season 1 — Canceled

Where can I watch Power Book V: Influence series ?

You can watch Power Book V: Influence series on Starz

Show information :

Name : Power Book V: Influence
Network : Starz
Status : Power Book V: Influence Season 1 — Canceled
First episode date :
Genre :
Sheduled :
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Official Website :
Since all of the rest of the Power series had been greenlit and had already debuted, fans were confused about Influence. Tate had remained coy about the status of his series. “Who knows if you’re gonna see him pop up somewhere,” he told The Jasmine Brand. “The moment I know what’s happening, y’all will know what’s happening.”;We know that Starz has decided to no longer move forward with Influence. Starz Programming Chief Kathryn Busby spoke with Variety about the Power Universe and the forthcoming Outlander prequel, Outlander: Blood of My Blood.;During the interview, Busby confirmed that Influence which is set in the political world, would not be moving forward. It appears they can continue to fold in Rashad Tate’s story with Power Book II: Ghost. (Source: cheatsheet.com)