Navigating the vast roster of Pokemon Masters EX can be overwhelming, especially with hundreds of powerful Sync Pairs vying for your attention. But fear not, Trainers, for this comprehensive tier list will guide you towards assembling the ultimate team!
Pokemon Masters EX Tier List
Masters of versatility, Hybrids seamlessly blend offense and support, adapting to any situation. They’re the ultimate “mixed bag,” offering a diverse toolkit to complement any team.
Tier | Warframes |
S+ |
Sygna Suit (Thunderbolt) Red & Pikachu, Sygna Suit Lyra & Celebi, Diantha & Diancie, Serena & Greninja, Hop & Zapdos, Hau & Tapu Koko, Cyrus & Darkrai, Lana & Tapu Lele
S |
Emma & Crobat, Gloria & Urshifu, Hilber & Genesect, Marnie & Mawile, May & Blaziken, Bede & Hatterene, Maxie & Groudon, Raihan & Flygon, Zinnia & Thievul, Skyla & Tornadus, Wally & Gardevoir, Cynthia & Giratina, Elesa & Emolga
A |
Lyra & Vaporeon, Kris & Jolteon, Lance & Dragonair, Bianca & Musharna, N & Reshiram, Lucas & Flareon, Grimsley & Bisharp, Dawn & Oricorio, Steven & Deoxys, Rosa & Shaymin, May & Latias, Lysandre & Yveltal, Marnie & Morpeko, Whitney & Sawsbuck, Leaf & Venusaur, Ghetsis & Kyurem, Serena & Delphox, Lucian & Girafarig, Ingo & Accelgor, Grimsley & Liepard, Courtney & Camerupt, Gordie & Coalossal, The Masked Royal & Incineroar, Colress & Klinklang, Serena & Whimsicott, Marnie & Grimmsnarl
B |
Lisia & Altaria, N & Sigilyph, Volkner & Luxray, Sygna Suit N & Kyurem, Karen & Houndoom, Sydney & ABsol, Nessa & Eiscue, Bertha & Hippowdon, Steven & Metagross, Iris & Hydreigon, Agatha & Gengar, Will & Xatu, Professor Oak & Mew, Mallow & Tsareena, Skyla & Togekiss, Silver & Feraligatr, Rosa & Dewott, Dawn & Torterra
C |
Plumeria & Salazzle, Darach & Staraptor, Misty & Starmie, May & Lopunny, Kukui & Lycanroc, Winona & Pelipper, Morty & Banette, Nanu & Persian, Player & Gyarados, Brawly & Hariyama, Whitney & Miltank, Wikstrom & Aegislash, Acerola & Mimikyu, Koga & Crobat, Serena & Fletchling, Blaine & Rapidash, Misty & Vaporeon, Sophocles & Togedemaru
D |
Candice & Abomasnow, Erika & Vileplume, Crasher Wake & FLoatzel, Clemont & Heliolisk, Kahili & Toucannon, Brock & Onix, Lillie & Comfey, Steven & Cradily, Marshal & Conkeldurr, Noland & Pinsir
E |
Janine & Ariados, Calem & Meowstic, Lt. Surge & Electrode, Wallace & Milotic, Lucy & Seviper, Flannery & Torkoal, Player & Pikachu, Norman & Slaking, Lorelei & Lapras, Grant & Aurorus, Clay & Seismitoad

The unsung heroes, Supports empower your team and cripple opponents. They’re the oil that keeps the engine running, ensuring your damage dealers reach their full potential.
Tier | Warframes |
S+ |
Bede & Articuno, Anabel & Gmax Snorlax, Calem & Greninja, Diantha & Diancie, Sygna Suit Acerola & Tapu Bulu, Lana & Tapu Lele, Cynthia & Lucario, Morty & Ho-Oh, Sygna Suit Kris & Suicune, Sygna Suit Brendan & Latios, Sygna Suit Mina & Tapu Fini, Ingo & Excadrill, Dawn & Cresselia, Blue (Sygna Suit) & Blastoise
S |
Professor Sycamore & Xerneas, Sonia & Yamper, Aaron & Vespiquen, Shauna (Special Costume) & Klefki, Jasmine & Ampharos, Pallentine Mallow & Appletun, Anabel & Snorlax, Steven (Special Costume) & Stoutland, Lillie & Polteageist, Hilbert & Samurott, Jasmine & Celesteela, Morty & Ghastly, Red & Snorlax, Shauna & Chesnaught, Allister & Gourgeist
A |
Agatha & Arbok, Lyra (Special Costume) & Phanpy, Melony & Lapras, Lyra & Meganium, Ball Guy & Amoonguss, Bruno & Onix, Burgh & Togepi, Dawn & Alcremie, Falkner & Swellow, Kiawe & Marowak, Giovanni & Persian, Sabrina & Alkazam, Player & Mesprit, Hop & Zamazenta, Elio & Primarina, Bugsy & Scyther, Lorelei & Cloyster, Bea & Vanilluxe, Elesa & Rotom, Player & Cobalion, Caitlin & Sableye
B |
Sabrina & Chingling, Glacia & Glaile, Leaf & Eevee, Blue & Exeggutor, Piers & Obstagoon, Lt. Surge & Raichu, Cynthia & Gastrodon, Elesa & Joltik, Nita & Landorus, Skyla & Swanna, Morty & Mismagius, Phoebe & Dusknoir, Hilda & Grapploct, Lillie & Ribombee, Morty & Gastly, Steven (Sygna Suit) & Deoxys
C |
Viola & Masquerain, Dawn & Wormadam, Acerola & Banette, Evelyn & Entei, Maylene & Medicham, Sawyer & Honchkrow, Lana & Araquanid, Janine & Crobat, Marley & Arcanine, Rosa & Serperior, Cheryl & Blissey, Roxanne & Probopass, Raihan & Gigalith, Misty (Swimsuit) & Psyduck, Player & Regirock, Rosa & Delibird, Lillie & Clefairy, Clemont & Magneton, Player & Torchic, Jasmine & Steelix
D |
Liza & Lunatone, Rachel & Umbreon, Acerola & Palossand, Kali (Furisode Girl) & Azumarill, Cheren & Stoutland, Erika & Comfey, Drake & Salamence, Ramos & Victreebel
E |
James & Weezing, Viola & Masquerain, Marlon & Carracosta, Thorton & Bronzong, Erika & Tangela, Wulfric & Avalugg, Brycen & Cryogonal
Damage Dealer
These powerhouse duos unleash devastating blows, pulverizing enemies with raw firepower. Whether through brute force or strategic moves, they’ll leave opponents in the dust.
Tier | Warframes |
S+ | Ash & Pikachu, Marnie & Moltres, Serena & Zygarde, Steven & Deoxys, Lance & Dragonite, Lisia & Rapidash, Lysandre & Volcanion, Emma & Crobat, Hilda & Victini, Lusamine & Necrozma (Sygna Suit) |
S | Lear & Hoopa, Blue & Aerodactyl, Lucas & Dialga, Emmet & Archeops, Korrina & Marshadow (Sygna Suit), Giovanni & Nidoking (Sygna Suit), Red & Charizard (Sygna Suit), Raihan & Duraludon, Sonia & Tsareena, Ethan & Lugia (Sygna Suit), Diantha & Keldeo, Erika & Leafeon (Sygna Suit), Victor & Rillaboom, Archie & Kyogre, Iris & Naganadel, |
A | Lillie & Lunala, N & Zekrom, Emmet & Escavalier, Alder & Volcarona, Leon & Gmax Charizard, Hilda & Emboar, Hugh & Bouffalant, Leon & Eternatus, Cynthia & Garchomp, Elesa & Zebstrika, N & Zoroark, Hilber & Mightyena, Player & Solgaleo, Silver & Ho-Oh, Cyrus & Palkia, Gloria & Zacian, Leon & Charizard, Hilda & Diancie, May & Swampert, Steven & Rayquaza, Volkner & Electivire, Player & Solgaleo, Bea & Sirfetch’d, Caitlin & Reuniclus, Lance & Gyarados, Wally & Gallade, Cynthia & Kommo-o, Leno & Calyrex, Grimsley & Sharpedo, Guzma & Buzzwole, Fantina & Mismagius, Kris & Feraligatr, Gloria & Inteleon, Allister & Gengar |
B | Allister & Gengar, Gladion & Silvally, Player & Gyarados, Olivia & Lycanroc, Elesa & Zebstrika, Nessa & Drednaw, Zinnia & Rayquaza, Hala & Crabominable, Brendan & Sceptile, Giovanni & Mewtwo, Hilda & Emboar, Diantha & Gardevoir, Blue & Pidgeot, Ethan & Typhlosion, Sophocles & Golem, Shauntal & Chandelure, Hau & Raichu, Blue & Arcanine, Barry & Empoleon, Siebold & Octillery, Roark & Rampardos, Zinnia & Salamence, Burgh & Leavanny, Morty & Drifblim, Gloria & Thwackey, Helena & Haunter, Clair & Kingdra, Lusamine & Pheromosa, Steven & Sandslash, Elesa & Togetic, Lyra & Jigglypuff, Bruno & Machamp |
C | Korrina & Lucario, Shauntal & Chandelure, Roark & Rampardos, Looker & Croagunk, Roxie & Scolipede, Guzma & Golisopod, Nate & Braviary, Naomi & Sandslash, Gardenia & Roserade, Iris & Haxorus, Siebold & Clawitzer, Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur, Karen & Umbreon, May & Wailmer, Flint & Infernape |
D | Palentine’s Elesa & Togetic, Candice & Froslass, Marnie & Toxicroak, Selene & Decidueye, Brock & Tyranitar, Tate & Solrock, Molayne & Dugtrio, Mina & Granbull, Hapu & Mudsdale, Pryce & Dewgong |
E | Marshal & Conkeldurr, Jessie & Arbok, Valerie & Sylveon, Norman & Slaking, Bugsy & Beedrill |
Ultimately, the best Pokemon Masters EX team is the one that resonates with you. So, grab your Poke Balls, unleash your inner trainer, and forge your own path to victory! Leave the meta to the masses and embrace the joy of building a team that reflects your unique style and passion for Pokemon.