Overwatch 2 Season 5 Mid-Season Patch: Release Date, Hero Balance Changes and Updates

Overwatch 2 Season 5 Mid-Season

In this article, we will delve into the details of the highly anticipated Overwatch 2 Season 5 mid-season patch, including its release date and the exciting hero balance changes expected to shake up the game’s meta.

Overwatch 2 Season 5 Mid-Season Patch: Release Date

The mid-season patch for Overwatch 2 Season 5 is expected to arrive around July 11th, based on previous release patterns. While Blizzard hasn’t officially confirmed the date, the consistency of their updates suggests it will coincide with the weekly shop reset.

Overwatch 2 Season 5 Mid-Season Patch: Hero Balance Changes

The Director’s Take blog post by Aaron Keller, the Game Director of Overwatch 2, provides insights into the heroes receiving adjustments in the mid-season patch. Let’s take a closer look at some of the significant hero changes players can expect:

Reinhardt and Orisa

Reinhardt and Orisa, popular Tank heroes, will see their front-line capabilities boosted. The exact details of these changes are vague, but it is anticipated that both heroes will receive increased shielding to withstand more damage. Reinhardt’s shield, in particular, may receive additional health to make it more competitive compared to other tanks.


Sojourn, a Damage hero, will receive a necessary buff to increase her pick rate. The developers aim to improve control over her Railgun’s primary fire spread, allowing players to hit more shots on target. This adjustment should enhance her effectiveness, particularly in mid to close-range combat scenarios.

Torbjörn and Symmetra

Blizzard plans to shift the focus of Torbjörn and Symmetra away from their turrets. The goal is to make them more versatile and viable in various situations by redistributing power throughout their kits. While the specifics of these changes haven’t been disclosed, it signals an attempt to redefine their roles and impact on the battlefield.


Zenyatta, a Support hero known for his high damage output, will undergo a slight adjustment to weaken his Orb of Discord ability. While specific details haven’t been provided, this debuff ability has been a topic of discussion within the community. The adjustment aims to address its impact on the game and ensure a more balanced gameplay experience.

These hero balance changes are anticipated to have a substantial impact on the meta, altering team compositions and strategies. Keep an eye out for the mid-season patch, as it promises to breathe new life into Overwatch 2 and offer exciting gameplay experiences for players.