The winds of change are blowing in the League of Legends meta! Patch 14.8 focuses heavily on buffing underperforming champions, with a whopping 16 slated for an upgrade. Let’s see who’s rising to the top!
LoL Patch 14.8 Early Patch Notes
Blood Moon Skin Line
- Blood Moon Fiddlesticks (1,350 RP)
- Blood Moon Zed (1,350 RP)
- Blood Moon Zyra (1,350 RP)

- Base health increased by 30.
- Health regeneration decreased from five to 3.5.
- Q base damage decreased from 50-118 to 50-110.
- Health growth reduced by five.
- Q cast range increased by 25.
- W attack speed adjusted from 54-110 percent to 55-95 percent.
- Q damage increased by five.
- Base movement speed increased from 335 to 340.
- Q cooldown decreased from 12-7 seconds to 11.7 seconds.
- Increase the effect of attack speed from items and runes towards a 35 percent reload time.
- Critical strike damage per pellet increased from 40 percent to 45 percent.
- Passive ability power ratio increased from 30 percent to 35 percent.
- QQ combo ability power ratio increased from 75 percent to 80 percent.
Jarvan IV
- Passive current health increased from six percent to seven percent.
- Passive bonus movement speed on crit increased from 10 percent to 14 percent.
- Q attack damage ratio increased from 35-65 percent to 44-74 percent.
- Q base damage increased from 45-145 to 44-144.
- Q attack damage ratio increased by five percent.
- Q base damage increased from 65-165 to 70-170.
- W cooldown decreased from 18-10 to 15-10.
- Q cooldown reduced from 9-4 to 8-4.
- E damage reduced by 10.
- R cannot be cleaned (but can still be blocked by crowd control immunity).
- Q monster damage increased from 5-25 to 5-45.
- W cooldown decreased from 13-9 to 11-9.
- W slow increased from 35 percent to 50 percent.
- Mana growth reduced by five.
- Mana regeneration growth increased by 0.15.
- Q1 cast time increased from 0.5 to 0.35.
- Q damage increased from 10-50 plus 40 percent bonus attack damage to 10-70 plys 60 percent bonus attack damage.
- Q mana decreased from 40-60 to 30-50.
- Q1 buff duration increased from 3.5 to five (it will still refresh on auto attacks and E-casts).
- Q2 recast lockout decreased from 0.75 to 0.5.
- W mana increased from 50-70 to 60-80.
- W damage decreased from 60-180 to 50-150.
- Monster damage increased from 70 percent to 100 percent.
- Base stat armor increased by two.
- Magic resist growth increased by 0.25.
- Health regeneration decreased from eight to five.
- Health reduced by 30.
- No changes this update.
- No changes this update.
Baron Attacks
- Damage increased to many Baron attacks.
Voidgrub Camp
- Spawn time increased from five minutes to six minutes.
- True DPS per stack increased from six to eight (but there will still be a four-second duration and half for ranged).
- Spawn threshold reduced from five stacks to four stacks (but you will still gain a second summon at six stacks).
- Coming soon…
- Coming soon…
LoL Patch 14.8 Release Date
The update will hit servers globally on April 17th, starting with Oceania at 10 AM AEST. Here’s a breakdown of key release times for different regions:
- 3 AM PT (North America)
- 5 AM BST (Europe West)
- 3 AM CEST (Europe Northeast)
- 8 AM KST (Korea)
Expect downtime for patching, with matchmaking disabled three hours beforehand.
Remember, these are just the early patch notes. Final adjustments might differ once testing on the PBE concludes. But one thing’s for sure – League of Legends Patch 14.8 promises to be a wild ride for Summoners of all ranks!