League of Legends Patch 14.7 is around the corner, bringing with it a massive update to the game, including a long-awaited champion rework, balance changes, and some fun April Fools’ skins. Here’s a quick rundown of what to expect:
LoL Patch 14.7 Early Notes
April Fools’ Skins
- Choo-Choo Ornn
- Durian Defender Rammus
- Toy Terror Cho’gath
- Cheddar Chief Twitch
- Zesty Dip Zac

Skarner’s Rework
This patch marks the arrival of Skarner’s long-awaited rework. Get ready for a more mobile and aggressive crystal scorpion with a completely overhauled kit:
- Passive – Threads of Vibration: Skarner’s attacks and abilities mark enemies with “Quaking.” Hitting them three times deals bonus damage based on their max health.
- Q – Shattered Earth/Upheaval: Skarner pulls a rock from the ground, empowering his next three attacks for increased speed and damage. The third hit deals significant damage and slows the enemy. Alternatively, he can throw the rock to slow and damage the first enemy hit.
- W – Seismic Bastion: Grants Skarner a shield and emits a shockwave that damages and slows nearby enemies.
- E – Ixtal’s Impact: Skarner charges, ignoring walls, and grabs the first large enemy or champion he collides with. He can then drag them a short distance, dealing damage and stunning them if they hit a wall.
- R – Impale: Skarner grabs up to three enemies, dealing damage and rooting them in place. He gains bonus movement speed for a short duration and can drag them along during this time.

Champion Changes
- RE bonus base shield: 50 – 170 ⇒ 60 – 210 ⇒ 50 – 170 (revert)
- RE AoE shield: 100% of bonus shield ⇒ 80% of bonus shield (live is 30% of total shield)
- W base damage: 60 – 220 ⇒ 60 – 200
- W damage AP ratio: 55% ⇒ 50%
- W base heal: 55 – 135 ⇒ 55 – 155
- W heal AP ratio: 25% ⇒ 40%
- W cooldown: 10 seconds ⇒ 9 seconds
- W cooldown: 9 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds
- W bounce reduction: -15% ⇒ -10%
- W bounce reduction AP ratio: 7.5% per 100 AP ⇒ 10% (this is a buff)
- E base damage: 20 – 80 ⇒ 20 – 60
- Q now deals 5 – 25 bonus monster damage
- W attack speed duration: 4 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds
- W mana cost: 30 ⇒ 50
- E cooldown refund is now increased to 2 seconds against monsters
- R now costs 100 mana
- R bonus AD: 10 – 30 ⇒ 15 – 25
- R move speed: 20% – 70% ⇒ 30% – 70%
- PQ damage: 28 – 336 + 28% AP ⇒ 30 – 360 + 30% AP
- Q on-hit AP ratio: 20% ⇒ 10%
- W heal AP ratio: 15% ⇒ 30%
- E base MS: 10% – 14% ⇒ 10% – 18% (self is still 20% flat)
- Q explosion monster damage: 40% ⇒ 70%, minions still 40%
- Passive monster damage cap: 75 – 300 ⇒ 75 – 250
- Q monster damage cap: 100 – 300 ⇒ 100 – 400
- Q bonus attack speed: 25% – 45%⇒ 20% – 40%
- Q bonus AD ratio: 70% ⇒ 45%
- Q now deals 50% damage to turrets
- Q now scales with 70% bonus AD
- Q mana cost: 40 flat ⇒ 40 – 60
- W width: 100 units ⇒ 200
- W damage now scales with 80% AP
- W slow: 30% – 50% ⇒ 20% – 40%
- W mana cost: 30 flat ⇒ 40 – 60
- Can now move while casting W
- E mana cost: 50 flat ⇒ 50 – 70
Item Changes
- Spellblade base AD ratio: 150% ⇒ 100%
Imperial Mandate
- Damage: 12% current HP ⇒ 10% current HP
Zaz’Zak’s Realmspike
- Base damage: 20 ⇒ 10
- Health damage: 4% max HP ⇒ 3% max HP
- Cooldown: 8 – 6 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds flat
System Changes
- Demotion LP: 75 ⇒ 50
LoL Patch 14.7 Release Date
League of Legends Patch 14.7 is scheduled to be released on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024.
This is just a sneak peek of what’s to come. Stay tuned for more details from Riot Games as the release date approaches!