What is the Legendary Pokémon By Generation ?
Legendary Pokémon are extremely rare and often very powerful Pokémon that they are associated with legends of creation and / or destruction within their endemic regions.
- All Starters Pokemon by Generation – [Gen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
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Here’s a List All 62 Legendary Pokémon By Generation – [Gen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] :
List Generation 1 Legendaries (1996 – 1999) : 4 Legendaries
Generation 1 Legendary Pokémon (伝説のポケモンの第一世代Densetsu no Pokemon no Dai Ichi-sedai) to be introduced in the Pokémon series. These Pokémon first appeared in the Kanto region and are often associated with the area.
- Total Pokémon: 151
- New Pokémon Added: 151
- Games: Pokémon Red, Green, Blue, Yellow
- System: Game Boy
1. Zapdos
- Species: Electric Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 145
- Evolves To: Galarian Zapdos (Form)

- Japanese Name: サンダー (Thunder)
- Type: Electric/Flying
- Group: Legendary Birds
2. Articuno
- Species: Freeze Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 144
- Evolves To: Galarian Articuno (Form)

- Japanese Name: フリーザー (Freezer)
- Type: Ice/Flying
- Group: Legendary Birds
3. Mewtwo
- Species: Genetic Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 150
- Evolves To: Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Mewtwo Y

- Japanese Name: ミュウツー (Mewtwo)
- Type: Psychic
- Group: Mew Duo
4. Moltres
- Species: Flame Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 146
- Evolves To: Galarian Moltres (Form)

- Japanese Name: ファイヤー (Fire)
- Type: Fire/Flying
- Group: Legendary Birds
List Generation 2 Legendaries (1999 – 2002) : 5 Legendaries
Generation 2 Legendary Pokémon (伝説のポケモンの第ニ世代Densetsu no Pokemon no Dai Ni-sedai) introduced in the Pokémon series and originate within the Johto region.
- Total Pokémon: 251
- New Pokémon Added: 100
- Games: Pokémon Gold and Silver, Crystal
- System: Game Boy Color
5 . Raikou
- Species: Thunder Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 243
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: ライコウ (Raikou)
- Type: Electric
- Group: Legendary Beasts
6. Suicune
- Species: Aurora Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 245
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: スイクン (Suicune)
- Type: Water
- Group: Legendary Beasts
7. Lugia
- Species: Diving Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 249
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: ルギア (Lugia)
- Type: Psychic/Flying
- Group: Tower Duo
8. Entei
- Species: Volcano Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 244
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: エンテイ (Entei)
- Type: Fire
- Group: Legendary Beasts
9. Ho-Oh
- Species: Rainbow Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 250
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: ホウオウ (Houou)
- Type: Fire/Flying
- Group: Tower Duo
List Generation 3 Legendaries (2002 – 2006) : 8 Legendaries
Generation 3 Legendary Pokémon (伝説のポケモンの第ニ世代Densetsu no Pokemon no Dai Ni-sedai) introduced in the Pokémon series and are native to the Hoenn region.
- Total Pokémon: 386
- New Pokémon Added: 135
- Games: Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, FireRed and LeafGreen, Emerald
- System: Game Boy Advance
10. Regice
- Species: Iceberg Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 378
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: レジアイス (Regice)
- Type: Ice
- Group: Legendary Titans
11. Regirock
- Species: Rock Peak Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 377
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: レジロック (Regirock)
- Type: Rock
- Group: Legendary Titans
11. Latias
- Species: Eon Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 380
- Evolves To: Mega Latias

- Japanese Name: ラティアス (Latias)
- Type: Dragon/Psychic
- Group: Eon Duo
12. Registeel
- Species: Iron Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 379
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: レジスチル (Registeel)
- Type: Steel
- Group: Legendary Titans
13. Latios
- Species: Eon Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 381
- Evolves To: Mega Latios

- Japanese Name: ラティオス (Latios)
- Type: Dragon/Psychic
- Group: Eon Duo
14. Groudon
- Species: Continent Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 383
- Evolves To: Primal Groudon

- Japanese Name: グラードン (Groudon)
- Type: Ground
- Group: Weather Trio
15. Rayquaza
- Species: Sky High Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 384
- Evolves To: Mega Rayquaza

- Japanese Name: レックウザ (Rayquaza)
- Type: Dragon/Flying
- Group: Weather Trio
16. Kyogre
- Species: Sea Basin Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 382
- Evolves To: Primal Kyogre

- Japanese Name: カイオーガ (Kyogre)
- Type: Water
- Group: Weather Trio
List Generation 4 Legendaries (2006 – 2010) : 9 Legendaries
Generation 4 Legendary Pokémon (伝説のポケモンの第ニ世代Densetsu no Pokemon no Dai Ni-sedai) introduced in the Pokémon series . These Pokémon originate from and originally appear in the Sinnoh region.
- Total Pokémon: 493
- New Pokémon Added: 107
- Games: Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver
- System: Nintendo DS
17. Mesprit
- Species: Emotion Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 481
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: エムリット (Emrit)
- Type: Psychic
- Group: Lake Guardians (Bringer of Emotion)
18. Uxie
- Species: Knowledge Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 480
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: ユクシー (Yuxie)
- Type: Psychic
- Group: Lake Guardians (Bringer of Knowledge)
19. Dialga
- Species: Temporal Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 483
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: ディアルガ (Dialga)
- Type: Steel/Dragon
- Group: Creation Trio (Time)
20. Azelf
- Species: Willpower Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 482
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: アグノム (Agnome)
- Type: Psychic
- Group: Lake Guardians (Bringer of Willpower)
21. Palkia
- Species: Spacial Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 484
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: パルキア (Palkia)
- Type: Water/Dragon
- Group: Creation Trio (Space)
22. Heatran
- Species: Lava Dome Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 485
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: ヒードラン (Heatran)
- Type: Fire/Steel
- Group: N/A
23. Regigigas
- Species: Colossal Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 486
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: レジギガス (Regigigas)
- Type: Normal
- Group: Legendary Titans (Master)
25. Giratina
- Species: Renegade Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 487
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: ギラティナ (Giratina)
- Type: Ghost/Dragon
- Group: Creation Trio (Antimatter)
26. Cresselia
- Species: Lunar Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 488
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: クレセリア (Cresselia)
- Type: Psychic
- Group: Lunar Duo
List Generation 5 Legendaries (2010 – 2013) : 9 Legendaries
Generation 5 Legendary Pokémon (伝説のポケモンの第五世代Densetsu no Pokemon no Dai Go-sedai) introduced in the Pokémon series . These Pokémon originate and appear in the Unova region.
- Total Pokémon: 649
- New Pokémon Added: 156
- Games: Pokémon Black and White, Black 2 and White 2
- System: Nintendo DS
27. Cobalion
- Species: Iron Will Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 638
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: コバルオン (Cobalon)
- Type: Steel/Fighting
- Group: Swords of Justice (Presumed Leader)
28. Terrakion
- Species: Cavern Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 639
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: テラキオン (Terrakion)
- Type: Rock/Fighting
- Group: Swords of Justice
29. Virizion
- Species: Grassland Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 640
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: ビリジオン (Virizion)
- Type: Grass/Fighting
- Group: Swords of Justice
30. Tornadus
- Species: Cyclone Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 641
- Evolves To: Therian Forme

- Japanese Name: トルネロス (Tornelos)
- Type: Flying
- Group: Forces of Nature
31. Thundurus
- Species: Bolt Strike Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 642
- Evolves To: Therian Forme

- Japanese Name: ボルトロス (Voltolos)
- Type: Electric/Flying
- Group: Forced of Nature
32. Landorus
- Species: Abundance Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 645
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: ランドロス (Landlos)
- Type: Ground/Flying
- Group: Forces of Nature (Trio Master)
33. Reshiram
- Species: Vast White Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 643
- Evolves To: White Kyurem (Fuses with Kyurem)

- Japanese Name: レシラム (Reshiram)
- Type: Dragon/Fire
- Group: Tao Trio
34. Zekrom
- Species: Deep Black Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 644
- Evolves To: Black Kyurem (Fuses with Kyurem)

- Japanese Name: ゼクロム (Zekrom)
- Type: Dragon/Electric
- Group: Tao Trio
35. Kyurem
- Species: Boundary Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 646
- Evolves To: White Kyurem (with Reshiram) or Black Kyurem (with Zekrom)

- Japanese Name: キュレム (Kyurem)
- Type: Dragon/Ice
- Group: Tao Trio
List Generation 6 Legendaries (2013 – 2016) : 3 Legendaries
Generation 6 Legendary Pokémon (伝説のポケモンの第六世代Densetsu no Pokemon no Dai Roku-sedai ) introduced in the Pokémon series. These Pokémon originally appeared in the Kalos region.
- Total Pokémon: 721
- New Pokémon Added: 72
- Games: Pokémon X and Y, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
- System: Nintendo 3DS
36. Xerneas
- Species: Life Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 716
- Evolves To: Active and Neutral Mode

- Japanese Name: ゼルネアス (Xerneas)
- Type: Fairy
- Group: Aura Trio
37. Yveltal
- Species: Destruction Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 717
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: イベルタル (Yveltal)
- Type: Dark/Flying
- Group: Aura Trio
38. Zygarde
- Species: Order Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 718
- Evolves To: 10% Forme, Complete Forme

- Japanese Name: ジガルデ (Zygarde)
- Type: Dragon/Ground
- Group: Aura Trio
List Generation 7 Legendaries (2016 – 2019) : 11 Legendaries
Generation 7 Legendary Pokémon introduced in the Pokémon series . These Pokémon originally appeared in the Alola region.
- Total Pokémon: 802
- New Pokémon Added: 88
- Games: Pokémon Sun and Moon, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Let’s Go, Pikachu!, Let’s Go, Eevee!
- System: Nintendo 3DS, Switch
39. Type: Null
- Species: Synthetic Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 772
- Evolves To: Silvally

- Japanese Name: タイプ:ヌル (Type: Null)
- Type: Normal
- Group: N/A
40. Silvally
- Species: Synthetic Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 773
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: シルヴァディ (Silvady)
- Type: Normal
- Group: N/A
41. Tapu Koko
- Species: Land Spirit Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 785
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: カプ・コケコ (Kapu-Kokeko)
- Type: Electric/Fairy
- Group: Guardian Deity (Melemele Island)
42. Tapu Lele
- Species: Land Spirit Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 786
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: カプ・テテフ (Kapu-Tetefu)
- Type: Psychic/Fairy
- Group: Guardian Deity (Akala Island)
43. Tapu Bulu
- Species: Land Spirit Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 787
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: カプ・ブルル (Kapu-Bulul)
- Type: Grass/Fairy
- Group: Guardian Deity (Ula’ula Island)
44. Tapu Fini
- Species: Land Spirit Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 788
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: カプ・レヒレ (Kapu-Rehire)
- Type: Water/Fairy
- Group: Guardian Deity (Poni Island)
45. Cosmog
- Species: Nebula Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 789
- Evolves To: Cosmoem

- Japanese Name: コスモッグ (Cosmog)
- Type: Psychic
- Group: N/A
46. Cosmoem
- Species: Protostar Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 790
- Evolves To: Solgaleo or Lunala

- Japanese Name: コスモウム (Cosmovum)
- Type: Psychic
- Group: N/A
47. Solgaleo
- Species: Sunne Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 791
- Evolves To: Dusk Mane Necrozma (Fused with Necrozma)

- Japanese Name: ソルガレオ (Solgaleo)
- Type: Psychic/Steel
- Group: Light Trio
48. Lunala
- Species: Moone Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 792
- Evolves To: Dawn Wings Necrozma (Fused with Necrozma)

- Japanese Name: ルナアーラ (Lunala)
- Type: Psychic/Ghost
- Group: Light Trio
49. Necrozma
- Species: Prism Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 800
- Evolves To: Dusk Mane Necrozma (Fused with Solgaleo), Dawn Wings Necrozma (Fused with Lunala), Ultra Necrozma

- Japanese Name: ネクロズマ (Necrozma)
- Type: Psychic
- Group: Light Trio
List Generation 8 Legendaries (2019 – Present) : 13 Legendaries
Generation 8 Legendary Pokémon introduced in the Pokémon series . These Pokémon originally appeared in the Galar region.
- Total Pokémon: 898
- New Pokémon Added: 89
- Total Legendaries: 13
- Games: Pokémon Sword and Shield, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, Pokémon Legends: Arceus
- System: Nintendo Switch
50. Zacian
- Species: Warrior Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 888
- Evolves To: Crowned Sword (Second Form)

- Japanese Name: ザシアン (Zacian)
- Type: Fairy (Fairy/Steel)
- Group: Hero Duo
51. Zamazenta
- Species: Warrior Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 889
- Evolves To: Crowned Shield (Second Form)

- Japanese Name: ザマゼンタ (Zamazenta)
- Type: Fighting (Fighting/Steel)
- Group: Hero Duo
52. Eternatus
- Species: Gigantic Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 890
- Evolves To: Eternamax Eternatus (Form)

- Japanese Name: ムゲンダイナ (Mugendina)
- Type: Poison/Dragon
- Group: N/A
53. Kubfu
- Species: Wushu Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 891
- Evolves To: Urshifu

- Japanese Name: ダクマ (Dakuma)
- Type: Fighting
- Group: N/A
54. Urshifu
- Species: Wushu Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 892
- Evolves To: Gigantamax Urshifu (Single/Rapid)

- Japanese Name: ウーラオス (Wulaosu)
- Type: Fighting/Dark (Single) or Fighting/Water (Rapid)
- Group: N/A
55. Regieleki
- Species: Electron Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 894
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: レジエレキ (Regieleki)
- Type: Electric
- Group: Legendary Titans
56. Regidrago
- Species: Dragon Orb Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 895
- Evolves To: Unknown

- Japanese Name: レジドラゴ (Regidorago)
- Type: Dragon
- Group: Legendary Titans
57. Glastrier
- Species: Wild Horse Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 896
- Evolves To: Ice Rider Calyrex (Fused with Calyrex)

- Japanese Name: ブリザポス (Blizzapos)
- Type: Ice
- Group: N/A
58. Spectrier
- Species: Swift Horse Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 897
- Evolves To: Shadow Rider Calyrex (Fused with Calyrex)

- Japanese Name: レイスポス (Wraithpos)
- Type: Ghost
- Group: N/A
59. Calyrex
- Species: King Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 898
- Evolves To: Ice Rider Calyrex (Fused with Glastrier) or Shadow Rider Calyrex (Fused with Spectrier)

- Japanese Name: バドレックス (Budrex)
- Type: Psychic/Grass (Psychic/Ice or Psychic/Ghost)
- Group: N/A
60. Galarian Articuno
- Species: Cruel Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 144
- Evolves To: Articuno (Original Form)

- Japanese Name: ガラル フリーザー (Gararu Freezer)
- Type: Psychic/Flying
- Group: Legendary Birds
61. Galarian Zapdos
- Species: Strong Legs Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 145
- Evolves To: Zapdos (Original Form)

- Japanese Name: ガラル サンダー (Gararu Thunder)
- Type: Fighting/Flying
- Group: Legendary Birds
62. Galarian Moltres
- Species: Malevolent Pokémon
- Pokédex Number: 146
- Evolves To: Moltres (Original Form)

- Japanese Name: ガラル ファイヤー (Gararu Fire)
- Type: Dark/Flying
- Group: Legendary Birds
Pokemon wiki :
Created by | Satoshi Tajiri Ken Sugimori Junichi Masuda |
Original work | Pocket Monsters Red and Green (1996) |
Owner | Nintendo Creatures Game Freak |
Print publications | |
Short stories | Pokémon Junior |
Comics | See list of Pokémon manga |
Films and television | |
Film(s) | See list of Pokémon films |
Short film(s) | Various Pikachu shorts |
Animated series | Pokémon (1997–present) Pokémon Chronicles (2006) |
Television special(s) | Mewtwo Returns (2000) The Legend of Thunder (2001) The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon (2006) |
Television film(s) | Pokémon Origins (2013) |
Theatrical presentations | |
Musical(s) | Pokémon Live! (2000) |
Games | |
Traditional | Pokémon Trading Card Game Pokémon Trading Figure Game |
Video game(s) | Pokémon video game series Super Smash Bros. |
Audio | |
Soundtrack(s) | Pokémon 2.B.A. Master (1999) See also list of Pokémon theme songs |
Miscellaneous | |
Theme park | Poképark |