Johnny Depp has commented that he is “not too far away” from retiring as an actor – although this probably wouldn’t put him out of the spotlight completely as he does sound interested in doing something quieter – probably directing. Since his latest film ‘The Lone Ranger’ flopped, it seems as though people might be sick of Depp’s samey costume characters at this point – is it time for him to go away, or does he just need to change up his roles? Depp commented that he believes his time as an actor might be coming to a close soon:
“Are there quieter things I wouldn’t mind doing? Yes, I wouldn’t mind that. I wouldn’t say I am dropping out any second but I would say it’s not too far away.”
He also sounds a bit tired of acting when he says:
“When you add up the amount of dialogue you say per year and you realise you’ve said written words more than you’ve had a chance to say your own words, that becomes an insane option for a human being.”
Do you want Johnny to go away for good, or is it time for him to shake things up (a Tim Burton departure/something less ‘in costume’ would be refreshing?