Jennifer Lawrence Worries She’ll Go Through Life “Scared Like a Chihuahua”


Jennifer Lawrence may be an Oscar winner now and it seems like she has conquered her field pretty successfully, but according to her, there is plenty she is still afraid of. She thinks she will continue to go through life frightened of stuff “like a chihuahua” and thinks she may never get over some of her major fears. Jennifer doesn’t like the duties that come with her career such as publiclly accepting awards or taking part in interviews because she doesn’t feel totally comfortable:

“I’m afraid I’m going to go my whole life being scared like a chihuahua. It’s not my comfort zone. Making movies is where I belong. I shouldn’t be heard just talking. So, when I’m doing movies, I’m really happy. That’s where I’m comfortable, that’s my home. “

She says that once she hits the stage, she can’t control herself and she instantly transforms into the chihuahua version of herself because she doesn’t know what she is saying and feels in a daze. She admits to often hating the way she sounds when she hears it back:

When you put me on a red carpet or on a stage, I turn into chihuahua Jennifer. I have no control over what comes out of my mouth. I would probably turn into a mute if I read what I said.”

Jennifer also talks about one of her other big fears – ghosts – in the interview and says she prefers burglars to be in her house instead. Read exactly what she had to say over on Bohomoth.