Hugh Jackman Got Naked & Very Embarrassed at a Japanese Spa


Hugh Jackman was left red-faced when he didn’t observe local etiquette while visiting a Japanese spa. The actor explains that at the spa, they give you a small towel to use and he didn’t realize it was to cover his “private parts” and only figured it out after local visitors at the spa began staring at him and pointing at the towel which he was using on his head instead:

 ”The place is separated male and female and they hand you a towel, a small washcloth, and there are eight different types of tubs with heats of different temperatures. I’m getting so hot and I’m using the towel they gave me to dip into the cold water and put it on my head and I was getting very strange looks from everybody.”

Hugh was embarrassed when someone finally pointed out his error and by the time he realized his naked mistake, he had already been strolling around completely nude for quite some time:

”I was feeling uncomfortable and finally this guy in the tub grunts and points to my head and then grunts and points to my private parts. Finally I realised the towel was meant to be covering my privates and I’d spent about an hour just waltzing around this place with this thing in one hand and a beer in my other!”