Selling fake weeb is one of the primary objectives of the Hustling Herbalist challenge in BitLife, and this guide will demonstrate how to do so.
How to sell fake weed in Bitlife
Make sure you have the Street Hustler career pack before you start selling weed. To save money, you can purchase Boss Mode, which includes all of the current and upcoming special careers, or you can purchase each one separately.
You can now select this under the special career category in Occupation. After that, select your street, Scam Artist as your hustle, and begin scamming people! To improve your street smarts, you’ll need to start with one of the beginner methods, which you can find on the main screen under looks. This bar rises each time you successfully con someone. Similarly, failing or moving streets after a failed attempt decreases it.
The Fake Weed scam is listed under Advanced in the list of beginner, intermediate, and advanced scams. You can start performing the weed-selling scam once you have attained around 80% of the street smarts stat. The option is grayed out until then!
When you reach a certain level of street smarts, the option will turn on, allowing you to perform the Fake Weed scam. You can do random encounters to find cops and passersby, but the easier way is to go into your Scam Artist occupation, select People, and choose your own victims. Over time, you’ll begin to accumulate successful attempts, and if you’re attempting to complete a challenge like the Hustling Herbalist one, you’ll quickly reach 25 successes.
Just be careful because doing so can land you in jail! If this occurs, you can either flee the cops or escape prison and try the scams again later.
That’s all you need to know about selling fake weed in Bitlife.