In many ways, your handbag is among the most important parts of your outfit. It’s like the icing on the cake that makes the entire thing look so enticing.
Most women have more than one handbag that they use for different color schemes and occasions. You’ll find that while there’s usually the everyday bag or two among their handbag collection, women usually have a designer bag meant for special occasions. And if there’s one brand that has grabbed the spotlight over the past decade or so, it’s Gucci.
Gucci bags are not just for show; they’re an investment. With so many kinds of Gucci bags to choose from, how do you know which style will look the best with what outfit?
To help you out, we’ve listed a few general guidelines to help you feel more confident in your picks.
1. Consider Your Body Shape
Just as you can use clothes to accentuate your best features, so can you use a bag to draw attention to the parts of your body you particularly like. It may sound complex, but all it requires is choosing the right length and shape of a bag to compliment your outfits and silhouette.
For instance, if you have a curvaceous body, long and slim bags are best for you. If you have a big bust, avoid saddlebags as they’ll draw a lot of attention to your cleavage.
2. What’s the Occasion
Whether you’re going shopping, a formal event, or for brunch, you need a different bag for each occasion.
Small bags make you look more sophisticated so if you’re going for a business meeting, a smart ladies’ suit combined with a Gucci Horsebit 1955 small shoulder bag should work just fine.
If you’re going for a casual look, then an elegant handbag won’t mix well. Instead, go for a leather crossbody bag. The Gucci GG Marmont Mini Crossbody bag would be ideal ins such a scenario.
3. The Fabric and Color of Your Bag
The material and color of your Gucci bag are very important as it dictates how you’re going to coordinate your outfit. Naturally, no one wants to look old-fashioned by wearing shoes, a dress, and a bag that look like they’re made from the same fabric.
To match your overall outfit without clashing, wear different materials. If your handbag is made from leather, wear a silky dress. Mix your patterns and colors up as well. If you wear a mustard yellow dress, choose a bag that’s of a darker color.
Gucci Bags: To Match or Not to Match
We never leave our homes without our handbags. It’s with us all day everywhere we go. It’s almost straightforward that we’d want to match our outfit with our handbag as well as our other accessories but how much matching is too much?
If you learn how to get it right, you’ll be at the height of elegance. Get it wrong and you fail to stand out. As a rule of thumb, your purse or handbag should complement the main theme of your outfit but it should not be identical in color or print as this may cause your outfit to clash.