How to Complete the Tapping The Grid Quest in Starfield

Tapping The Grid Quest starfield

In Starfield, the Tapping The Grid quest in The Well area requires you to locate and deactivate multiple Junction Boxes to solve a power drain issue. Here’s how to solve it.

How to Complete the Tapping The Grid Quest in Starfield

Initiating the Quest

To initiate the “Tapping The Grid” quest, speak to Louisa in The Well area of Jemison. She will explain the power drain issue and request your help in locating multiple Junction Boxes to identify the source of the problem.

Locating the Junction Boxes

Starfield simplifies the process of finding quest items, and Junction Boxes are no exception. Set “Tapping The Grid” as your active mission in the mission menu. Once activated, take out your Scanner, and you’ll notice a trail of white arrows guiding you directly to these crucial boxes.

If the trail eludes you, try holstering and then re-equipping your Scanner. The first Junction Box is conveniently situated to the left near the entrance of The Well. Interact with each box twice to activate it. For the subsequent box, navigate a series of stairs and unlock several security doors.

Look out for a yellow switch adjacent to these doors to gain access. After passing through a couple more doors, you’ll reach a yellow shutter-like door housing the next Junction Box. Having located four such boxes, you’ll encounter a minor puzzle while attempting to access the final one.

The Junction Box Puzzle

The puzzle consists of four Junction boxes, each with four lights on top. Activating a box affects two lights simultaneously. Your task is to use specific combinations of these boxes to turn on all the lights.

To solve the puzzle efficiently, activate the boxes in the following order according to their assigned numbers: one – three – four – one. This sequence will open the nearby yellow shutter, granting access to the final switch. Return to Louisa to complete the quest and begin “Alternating Currents.”

With this guide, you should now be well-equipped to tackle the Junction Box puzzle in the “Tapping The Grid” mission in Starfield. Happy exploring!
