Gwyneth Paltrow on the Importance of Beauty Sleep & Her Workout Routine


Gwyneth Paltrow doesn’t think beauty sleep is just a myth – she believes getting a few extra hours could be the key to weight loss and could make a big difference when it comes to appetite and energy. Gwyneth says she would prefer to get 10 hours if possible but comments that having seven or eight makes her feel good:

“Before you even think about dieting, first try to get more sleep. It plays a powerful role in determining your appetite and energy. Ideally, I’d like ten hours sleep a night, but I find seven or eight keeps me going.”

The actress works hard five days a week to stay in shape and swears by the Tracy Anderson method to stay in top physical condition. She says working out is now an automatic part of her routine each day, and she does both cardio and muscular workouts:

“When it comes to exercise, I work my ass off – literally! I do Tracy Anderson’s method five days a week. I drop my kids at school and go straight to the gym to get it out of the way. Tracy once said to me, ‘Think of it like brushing your teeth – just get up and do it.’ So that’s what I do. I do an hour of dance aerobics and some muscular structure work with light weights.”

Gwyneth doesn’t stop to take a break, but picks up a green juice to give herself an energy boost after her workout:

“I don’t have time to relax after the gym, so I’ll grab a green juice and head to work. I also drink tons of water to stay hydrated and I have this packet of magnesium and calcium that I sometimes add – it’s full of vitamins and very calming.”
