Decoding Alien Radio Transmission Messages: A Guide for Astronauts in BitLife

bitlife alien messages

If you’re eager to delve deeper into the world of interstellar communication in BitLife, continue reading to discover how to decrypt alien radio transmission messages as an astronaut.

Decoding Alien Radio Transmission Messages: A Guide for Astronauts in BitLife

As an astronaut, when you receive an incoming transmission and attempt to decrypt the alien message, you’ll be presented with a string of letters labeled as “Received Message” and a hint. Your task is to utilize this hint, along with other contextual clues, to choose the correct response from the available options.

Take a look at this example to get an idea of what decrypting entails.

The message I received in this scenario was “EI UOS’J CXSV,” and the hint was “E is W.” Although this hint narrowed down the options from four to three, it didn’t provide significant assistance. However, observing the frequency of the letter “S” in the message (two occurrences) revealed that the only response aligning with this pattern was the last option, “We don’t bang.”

Once you successfully decrypt an alien message in BitLife, you can access the Astronaut job tab and navigate to the Discoveries section. Here, you can view your Extraterrestrial messages and select one to publish for peer review. A correct translation rewards you with positive reviews and a performance boost, while an incorrect response has the opposite effect. Uncovering these messages not only enhances your performance but also offers an enjoyable opportunity to solve intriguing riddles within the game.

By mastering the art of decoding alien radio transmission messages in BitLife, you can unlock the secrets of the cosmos and elevate your astronautic journey to new heights. Happy decoding!
