Dark Matter season 1

Dark Matter

What is Dark Matter series status ?

Season 1 of Dark Matter will start in 2023

How many episodes of Dark Matter are there ?

Dark Matter has 1 Season and 1 Episode

Where can I watch Dark Matter series ?

You can watch Dark Matter series on Apple TV+

Show information :

Name : Dark Matter
Network : Apple TV+
Status : Season 1 of Dark Matter will start in 2023
First episode date :
Genre : Drama, Science-Fiction
Sheduled :
Show type : Scripted
Official Website :
Jason Dessen, a quantum physicist, once had a brilliant research career ahead of him. But after a girlfriend’s unexpected pregnancy and the birth of a son, this future was derailed. Now a professor at a small Chicago college with a warm and loving family life, the physicist is abducted into a world in which his quantum many-worlds theory has become a fully realized technology for inter-dimensional transfer. In the parallel world, he did not marry his girlfriend and they never had a son. He is determined to get back to his other life back, but nefarious powers in the alternate reality conspire to stop him from revealing the criminal lengths they have gone to create the world-hopping technology.