The glamorous bikini snap Anna Paul shared on Instagram, which seemed pretty happy and care-free at first glance. However, fans started to see a problem.
While Anna Paul was seen grinning on the beach, many fans noticed she’d lost weight, which they believed might be linked to her recent relationship breakup.
There was a commenter who said: “Though it’s obvious you’ve lost a lot of weight, it’s heartbreaking. I hope you are okay, Anna.”
In an attempt to end the rumours, the model replied: “Heartbreak is a weight loss hack; please avoid it at all costs…
“I was too sad and stressed to eat for the past few weeks so I definitely know why. It was unintentional, but at least I know that I just wasn’t eating, and it is not completely out of the blue.”

A TikTok video by Anna, from Australia, opened up about her breakup with long-term boyfriend Glen Thomson. The video gained millions of views since it went viral.
She stated: “Glen and I broke up. We just aren’t in a relationship anymore and we are now both single.”
As she continued, “We still love each other so much, And that’s what it what’s happened. So, yeah.”
In another Instagram post, Glen wrote: “I know this will be shocking for everyone to hear but we are both on very good terms and will always have room in our hearts for each other.”
In response to the update, some fans wrote: “Nah, that really ruined my day. My condolences to everyone in the chat.”
Another said: “Can’t imagine how difficult this must be. Sending love.”
Another said: “I’m crying. I feel like I just got broken up with.”

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