It’s difficult to enjoy working out – sure, there is much to be gained and it can leave you feeling good afterwards, but it takes a lot of dedication and focus to keep going even when you start to feel the burn! These 5 female stars are all in agreement and hate working out normally, although some do like to dance or try to distract themselves with fun things during their workout instead. Luckily, they’ve all managed to maintain their hot bodies, but they say they usually don’t enjoying working out at all and find it boring and often hard.
Britney Spears
Britney says she used to enjoy it but it can be hard to get motivated: “I have had to work hard at getting (my body) back to where it used to be. I used to be obsessed with working out. But I can’t get motivated right now because I’m so focused on my music. It isn’t fun, so to do it every day would be horrible. Three days a week is cool, even two. It makes me feel good and feel like I’ve done something. It’s important to take care of your body. Recently I started to appreciate my body a bit more from before I had kids.”
Sofia Vergara
Sofia hates normal workouts so tries to do dancing instead to keep fit: “Oh, I hate it. But I also know that at my age – I’m almost 40! – I have to do it to maintain my figure. When I can, I do Latin dancing for exercise because it’s so much fun and I just love the music.”
Kimberley Walsh
Kimberly goes through phases of working out and says she finds it boring: “I’m a bit rubbish. I’m like most girls in that I go in and out of phases for a couple of weeks. I think, ‘Right, I’m going to go to the gym or do a DVD workout’ for a few weeks but then I’ll be rubbish for a few weeks and that’s just the way it goes. I know a lot of my friends are the same. I’m out of the zone at the moment, but who knows – at some stage I might come back. I just struggle to make that a big priority in my life – it’s a bit boring.”
Jessica Alba
Jessica hates working out so much that she tried to distract herself while doing it: “Working out every day for even just 45 minutes is good for my mental state. Getting dressed and actually doing it is the worst. It’s hard to get motivated. In the gym, I have, like, five things to distract me: TV, iPod, magazines. Working partners are good, too, so you can chat and not just drown in your own misery. Sorry, does that sound bad? I just hate working out.”
Eva Longoria
Eva doesn’t mind some aspects of keeping fit but she finds cardio difficult and says she has a trainer so she’ll be forced to work out:”I hate working out. I hate cardio, I hate running, I hate the treadmill. I like weights, but the rest of it just has to be done. That’s why I have a trainer – to make me do it. And I like to get out and about as much as possible, which is easier in Los Angeles, as the sun shines.”