Get ready to welcome Xianyun, the upcoming Anemo catalyst user who’s poised to swirl Teyvat into a frenzy! Whether you’re seeking a powerful support for your Xiao team or an efficient driver for other Electro and Pyro DPS, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to optimize Xianyun’s potential.
Genshin Impact Xianyun Best Build
Xianyun’s weapon choice is a delicate dance. While she doesn’t crave the spotlight of a DPS, her offensive prowess shouldn’t be ignored. Here are some wind-forged instruments to consider:
- Oathsworn Eye
- Favonius Codex
- Fruit of Fulfillment
However, the ultimate prize for Xianyun’s arsenal is her signature weapon. This exquisite catalyst boasts a hefty ATK stat, an alluring ATK% bonus, and a unique passive that boosts plunging attack damage for the entire team. Additionally, it grants Energy Recharge based on plunging attacks, making her a self-sufficient wind machine.
While a new Artifact set might grace Version 4.4 alongside Xianyun, her artifact choices lean towards the straightforward. Maximize ATK and ATK% to amplify her scaling, and don’t forget the crucial Energy Recharge (ER)!
- Viridescent Venerer: This classic Anemo set remains a strong contender, boosting Swirl damage and reducing enemy resistance.
- Noblesse Oblige: If you envision Xianyun as a Burst-focused support, this set’s ATK buff can be invaluable.
Team Compositions
Xianyun’s versatility shines in various team compositions. Here are a few harmonious arrangements to consider:
Mono Anemo Team Comp
- Xianyun – Support
- Xiao – DPS
- Faruzan – Sub DPS
- Venti – Sub DPS
Pairing Xianyun with Xiao and Faruzan in a Mono Anemo team provides increased Energy Recharge, altering her build style and enhancing the synergy within the team.
Vaporize Diluc Team Comp
- Xianyun – Support
- Diluc – DPS
- Furina – Sub DPS
- Bennett – Support
This composition leverages Xianyun’s support capabilities alongside Diluc and Furina, creating a potent combination for Vaporize reactions.
Versatile Support Team Comp
- Xianyun – Support
- Sucrose – Sub DPS
- Yae Miko – Elemental Support
- Fischl – Sub DPS
For players not inclined towards plunging attacks, Xianyun can serve as a versatile driver or support in a team featuring characters like Sucrose, Yae Miko, and Fischl.
Remember, the true joy of Genshin Impact lies in experimentation and personal preference. Feel free to mix and match Artifacts, weapons, and team compositions to discover the Xianyun that resonates with your playstyle.