Starfield Companion Affinity Guide – How to Check and Change Your Relationships

Starfield Companion Affinity

Starfield introduces a companion system where your relationship with companions is determined by their affinity level. This guide will help you understand how to check your companion’s affinity level and how to change it using console commands.

How to Check Companion Affinity Levels in Starfield

To view your companion’s affinity level in Starfield, you must utilize console commands. There are three specific commands to help you with this:

  • GetAV COM_Affinity: This command provides a value ranging from 0 to above 1300, representing your total companion affinity. Higher values indicate a stronger bond with your companion, while lower values suggest a strained relationship. The value fluctuates based on your interactions, including when companions “Like,” “Love,” “Dislike,” or “Hate” your actions.
  • GetAV COM_AffinityLevel: This command displays a value of 0.00, 1.00, 2.00, or 3.00. Each value corresponds to different relationship states:
    • 0.00: Neutral
    • 1.00: Friendship
    • 2.00: Romance (not Committed)
    • 3.00: Committed (or married)
  • GetAV COM_AngerLevel: This command yields a value of 0.00, 1.00, or 2.00, reflecting your companion’s emotional state:
  • 0.00: No issues
  • 1.00: Annoyed
  • 2.00: Very angry

Here’s how to use these commands:

  • Open the console by pressing the “~” key on your keyboard.
  • If a message appears warning that certain commands will disable achievements, press the “~” key again to close the message and open the console.
  • Click on your companion while the console is open. You should see a message like “NPC_’CompanionREF'” followed by a string of text, indicating your companion’s reference ID.

Now, you’re ready to use these commands to gauge your companion’s feelings.

How to Modify Companion Affinity Using Console Commands

If you find that your companion’s affinity level isn’t to your liking, you can manually adjust it using console commands. Remember that altering these values may have consequences, so proceed with caution. Here are the commands:

  • SetAV COM_Affinity [0-1300+]
  • SetAV COM_AffinityLevel [0, 1, 2, or 3]
  • SetAV COM_AngerLevel [0, 1, or 2]

Be cautious when altering these values, especially when it comes to setting companions as “Committed” or adjusting multiple companions simultaneously, as it might lead to unintended consequences. Always save your game before making significant changes using console commands.

Keep in mind that the companion system in Starfield is an integral part of the game’s narrative, and altering companion affinity should be done sparingly to maintain a balanced and immersive experience. Use these commands wisely and at your own risk.
