5 Celebrities React to Sony’s Cancellation of ‘The Interview’ Release

The recent Sony hack has caused a bit upset to the film industry and the company have decided not to release controversial film ‘The Interview’ after the hackers responsible warned viewers to stay away from the film. Cinemas initially reacted by deciding not to show the film and now, under pressure, Sony have opted to pull the plug. These 5 celebrities have all reacted to the decision to give in to the hackers – here is what they’ve said on the subject.

Dax Shepherd


Dax said that he felt he understood why they had to cancel but still didn’t agree with it: “While I understand the necessity to pull The Interview, it makes me furious. Free speech is the most admirable tenet in our constitution.”

Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy felt it was the not right move: “An un-American act of cowardice that validates terrorist actions and sets a terrifying precedent.”

Judd Apatow

Judd commented on the news: “I think it is disgraceful that these theaters are not showing The Interview. Will they pull any movie that gets an anonymous threat now? What if an anonymous person got offended by something an executive at Coke (Coca-Cola) said. Will we all have to stop drinking Coke? We also don’t know that it isn’t a disgruntled employee or a hacker. Do we think North Korea has troops on the ground in the Us? Ridiculous. This only guarantees that this movie will be seen by more people on Earth than it would have before. Legally or illegally all will see it.”

Michael Moore

Michael laughed at the situation: “Dear Sony Hackers: now that you run Hollywood, I’d also like less romantic comedies, fewer Michael Bay movies and no more Transformers.”

Rob Lowe

Rob was surprised by Sony’s decision: “Wow. Everyone caved. The hackers won. An utter and complete victory for them. Wow. Saw Seth rogen at JFK (New York airport). Both of us have never seen or heard of anything like this. Hollywood has done Neville Chamberlain proud today.”