61st Street season 2

61st Street

What is 61st Street series status ?

61st Street was first released on March 29, 2022 . 61st Street Season 2 officially renewed for Early 2024

How many episodes of 61st Street are there ?

61st Street has 1 Season and 8 Episodes

Where can I watch 61st Street series ?

You can watch 61st Street series on The CW

Show information :

Name : 61st Street
Network : The CW
Status : 61st Street Season 2 officially renewed for Early 2024
First episode date : March 29, 2022
Genre : Drama, Crime, Thriller
Sheduled : Tuesday at 9PM
Show type : Scripted
Official Website : uk.amc.com
UPDATE;61st Street,” the dramatic thriller starring Courtney B. Vance and Aunjanue Ellis, has been picked up by The CW for both seasons in partnership with AMC Networks. The series was canceled by AMC Networks in January as part of a cost-cutting drive. The first season will air on The CW this fall, followed by the second season in 2024. Both seasons were shot simultaneously, but only the first season was aired in its entirety last spring. The series was initially ordered as part of a two-season pickup.;The second season of 61st Street and Invitation to a Bonfire are the latest shows to get caught up in Hollywood’s cost-cutting drive.;AMC Networks has scrapped both shows after revealing that it would take around $400M of content write downs. They form part of the company’s one-time write-off last year. (Source: deadline.com);The second season of ‘61st Street’ and ‘Invitation to a Bonfire’ are the latest shows to get caught up in Hollywood’s cost-cutting drive. AMC Networks has scrapped both shows after revealing that it would take around $400M of content write downs https://t.co/yvzj3qSIH6 — Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE) January 5, 2023