Keira feels more confident than she did when she was younger and no longer lets things get to her: ”Everything up to 25 I was pretty neurotic and taking everything far too seriously. I found it difficult to step back from it and I was taking it very personally. Partly because as an actor you don’t want necessarily that thicker skin, and I couldn’t figure how to be open emotionally and yet get a thick enough skin so that things didn’t hurt.”
Uma would punish herself too often before: “I used to be tremendously hard on myself when I was younger. I’d beat myself up because I thought I had no discipline. I wouldn’t give myself credit for anything. In the beginning, it might have been helpful, but over the years it grew to a point where it became ridiculous – almost self-loathing. But as I’ve grown older, I’ve kind of learned to take my foot off the gas pedal and I’ve become much more comfortable with myself.”