Florence is always surprised by how little she has changed: “I’m basically the same and everyone’s like, ‘Aren’t you supposed to be some loaded pop star?’ and I’m like, ‘No, trust me I’m not, I get an allowance’. Life hasn’t changed. I still get the bus. I have no cash cards so I’m pretty much broke and borrowing money still. My phone’s broken, I’m still exactly the same. Sometimes I get scared by the exposure, scared by negative criticism but it’s something you learn to deal with and take it less personally.”
Jason always tries to keep his life the same: “I’ve tried hard not to let my life change, if that makes any sense. I just bop around, doing the same stuff I usually do. I go to the pub a lot and am still friends with friends from high school. More than anything, it’s really important as a writer because if you stop experiencing normal life you really feel it in the scripts.”