5 Stars Speak on Coping With the Loss of Their Fathers

Losing a parent is difficult for anyone and these 5 stars have spoken on coping with the loss of their fathers in particular. Some lost their father at a very young age and sadly don’t even have many memories of their time together, while others were adults when their father passed away and remember the moment clearly, even saying it changed them to go through the death. Here are their thoughts on coping with the loss of someone close to them.

Bradley Cooper


Bradley watched his father die and was surprised by his reaction: “Death became very real. And very tangible. Because my father – someone who had been in my life for 36 years is just f***ing gone. I watched him dying and I was there by his bed watching him, breathing with him, and then I saw his last breath and he was gone. I experienced the whole thing. And that was a watershed moment that I was privileged to experience. And it changed everything.”