5 of Lucy Hale’s Top Makeup & Skin Secrets

  1. Her Everyday Beauty is Basic

She goes basic for everyday makeup: “My everyday look is very basic. I use concealer where I need to, a little bit of bronzer, mascara, lip balm, and call it a day. I obviously love mark. makeup. They have really good lip crayons, great mascaras, and I love their makeup wipes. My favorite lip balm that I use every day is Aquaphor.”


  1. She Plucks Her Own Brows

Lucy is known for her thick brows and says she has learnt to pluck them properly herself: “People are always surprised when I say I do my eyebrows myself. As a kid, I hated my eyebrows, but now I love them. I just pluck them myself, and over the past five or ten years, I’ve been able to get the right shape for my face.”