5 Celebrities Who Say They Once Wanted to be a Nun

Of course, becoming involved in any religion as a career is a huge decision to make, and these 5 celebrities all thought about becoming a nun when they were younger. Some say it was just a brief thing, a phase that they went through while growing up and wanting to be religious, while others thought about the idea more but finally decided against it. Some grew up as part of religious families and they thought that by being a nun they would be achieving the best possible life, while others were attracted to the idea following time at a convent school. We all change our mind plenty of times when it comes to choosing careers and these 5 stars all once thought about becoming a nun but ultimately they ended up famous instead!

Anne Hathaway


Anne always wanted to be an actress but for a while she also considered becoming a nun: “When I was younger I thought about becoming a nun for a while. You know how it is when you’re growing up and you’re going to be a lot of different things, but I actually wanted to be an actress before I wanted to be a nun. The nun was more of a side-bar thing.”

Eva Mendes

Eva wanted to be a nun until she realized she wouldn’t be able to buy her mother a big house: “We didn’t grow up with a lot of money so I would always tell my mom, ‘Mommy I am going to buy you a Big House when I grow up, and a car.’ And my sister said to me one day when I was ten, ‘How are you going to buy mom all these things? You are going to be a nun and nuns don’t get paid. I said, ‘What?’and that was it, my convent dreams were over.”

Jenny McCarthy

Growing up, Jenny thought that becoming a nun was the only way to achieve what she wanted in life:’ ‘I was taught to believe that my goal in life was to do good things so that I could ensure my place in heaven. So, it was only logical in my young innocent mind that I should become a nun – and guarantee my spot to hang out with Jesus and his buddies.”

Jessica Alba

Jessica is from a religious family so she was naturally considering a religious career but she changed her mind: “My dad was like, ‘When are you going to go back to school? When are you going to find a real career path?’ My grandfather wanted me to be a nun – I left that idea far, far behind.”

Natasha Mcelhone

Natasha had a brief flirtation with the idea of becoming a nun when she was young and attending a convent school: “I think I desperately wanted to be religious as a child. I went to a convent for a short period of time and I think, along with everyone, I intended to become a nun for about a week.”