Story of the Day: Rupert Everett Bashes Gay Dads Bringing Up Kids

Even though British actor Rupert Everett is openly gay, he doesn’t believe gay men should be bringing up kids together and he even goes as far as to say that he can’t think of a worse way for a child to be brought up. He says the world already has “too many children” and he doesn’t understand why a gay couple would want to put more children into the world. He also states that he realizes his opinion on the topic is controversial:

“I can’t think of anything worse than being brought up by two gay dads. Some people might not agree with that. Fine! That’s just my opinion. I’m not speaking on behalf of the gay community. In fact, I don’t feel like I’m part of any ‘community.’ The only community I belong to is humanity and we’ve got too many children on the planet, so it’s good not to have more.”

Rupert’s mother added that she often wishes that her son was straight, and even would like him to have a wife and kids of his own, but she believes a child needs both a mother and a father so she knows this isn’t an option open to him. She even tells Rupert this and he takes it well:

“In the past, I have said that I wish Rupert was straight and, I probably still feel that. I’d like him to have a pretty wife. I’d like him to have children. He’s so good with children. He’d make a wonderful father. But I also think a child needs a mummy and a daddy. I’ve told him that and he takes it very well. He doesn’t get angry with me. He just smiles.”