Story of the Day: Kris Jenner Confirms Kim Kardashian is Stressed!


There has been some rumors about Kim Kardashian being stressed about her divorce from Kris Humphries because it’s taking so long and now her momager Kris has confirmed that Kim is indeed stressed out about the whole thing. Kris believes that because they were married for such a short time it should be easy to get it done with. Apparently, Kim has even been warned by doctors to watch out for her health:

“That one’s actually true, you know Kim has been going through this divorce. For 71 days they were married and it’s been months and months of trying to do that [divorce]. So she has been under a lot of stress because of it, and so the doctors just told her… the stress is going to be a big problem if she doesn’t be careful.”

Speaking on the rumors that she is planning on getting divorced from husband Bruce Jenner, Kris says that the stories are all made up and crazy:

“No we are not getting divorced. Not in a million bazillion years. I want to do a photo shoot and send the magazine like really great photos and say “the next time you just make up a story, use this photo, this is the one I like.” They’re crazy.”

Commenting on the possibility of Kim getting an annulment:

“I don’t think she would mind getting an annulment, but in order legally to get an annulment you have to prove fraud. She was in love and she got married. I don’t really see the point because she got married for the right reasons at the time, and he’s a great guy. He always seemed very nice and I just wish that everybody would move on.”