Scary S**t of the Day: Octo-Mom Describes Making Self-Love Porno

Octo-Mom Nadya Suleman recently kicked off her porn career with a self-love porn tape in a bid to raise finances for her children, while she also claims she did it to “overcome her fears of intimacy and sexuality”.  Octo-Mom, who has 14 kids now all conceived through IVF, says that she did do it mostly for financial reasons:

“If I wanted to do it for me, I would have done it a few years ago.”

She admits that appearing solo in the video was much easier for her, and it felt like she was facing her fears regarding her sexuality:

“I feel it’s safer to do that than with another person. When I did it, I faced my own fear [without] avoiding it. It is sexy for me.”

She says that prior to the porno recording she never masturbated or as she puts it “never even touched” herself, so the experience was extremely new to her – she admits she made a conscious effort to avoid it in the past:

“Growing up, I learned not to touch myself.”