Pink, now a mother of one to daughter Willow, recalls when she gave up using drugs aged 15 after experimenting with ecstasy, crystal meth and LSD. The singer admits that it wasn’t easy, but she decided to go cold turkey after a particularly bad time on drugs, and she is happy she made the decision because it instantly opened doors for her:
”It wasn’t to the point of going to the hospital, but I remember getting up off the floor in the morning – and that was the last time I ever touched a drug again. It was also the day a DJ offered to let me sing on hip hop night. His only caveat was that I couldn’t do drugs, so I didn’t. That’s the thing with me – once I make up my mind, I’m done.”
Pink confesses that her new obsession is wine. She wants to someday own a vineyard and has been taking online courses to learn everything she needs to know:
”I’m a wino. I’m taking online classes to learn about different grapes. My dream is to own a winery.”
One thing she can’t give up is swearing, even if she has a young daughter now. She admits that her friends get annoyed when her songs come on because they know their children will pick up her bad words from her music, but she says it’s up to the record label to bleep it:
”Now I’m a momma I’m more aware of it. I get it why my friends are p***ed at me when they have kids in the car and my songs come on. The record company always say, ‘Have you got a clean version?’ And I say, ‘No, just f***ing bleep it.’ ”