Joaquin Phoenix Says He Needs Help on Set Because He’s “Not Very Good”

Remember when Joaquin Phoenix did that fake breakdown thing a while back and pretended to become a rapper but it was all just a huge ruse to divert our attention away from his real plan that no one understood in the end (something about it being for a documentary)? Yeah, whatever, he’s back and acting semi-sane again! Now Joaquin says he’s a terrible actor (twice nominated for an Oscar) and that he often needs help on set from the director and other people because he claims that he’s not very good at his work:

”I think the trouble is that I’m not very good and I need a lot of help; I need the entire set to be working to help me. The only way I can work is to be very close to the director and the acting.”

Speaking on his new work in the film ‘The Master’ which is about a man who is taken in by the mysterious leader of a culty group called ‘The Cause’, Joaquin comments that it stands out but only because it’s unlike blockbusters – they can become repetitive and boring:

‘If every single movie was ‘The Master’ it would be a pretty boring world out there. I think it’s fine to have those blockbusters. I’m not against those movies. I just don’t want to experience them. I haven’t done one but I don’t know what I’ll do tomorrow.”