Baby Horror Story: Jessica Alba Found Honor Eating “Beads” Out of Her Diaper

If the following baby horror tale sounds terribly gross, it’s because it is. Jessica Alba has re-told the story of how she once discovered her young daughter Honor eating “beads” out of her diaper. She was shocked and instantly worried that Honor might have been poisoned from the beads which turned out to be a component of her eco-friendly diapers. Luckily she had time to do some research on the matter:

“I found my daughter Honor sitting in her crib, eating these tiny beads from the inside of her diaper. They were all over her face. It was a moment of terror. Thankfully, Honor was OK, but it was so crazy, and I felt guilty afterward. I worried that I’d poisoned my daughter–and these were eco-diapers! I found ones that seemed safer, but they leaked, so I had to use two at once, and they were already so expensive. The more research I did, the more irritated I got. Most parents don’t have time to do all this research–they need a company with products they can trust. I wanted to create that.”

Speaking on staying in shape, the stunning mother of two says she has a “bubble butt” and does a special workout to try and tone up when she can:

“Bubble butts, like my dad and I have, run in my family! To tone up, I do jump lunges and squat jumps. They make me want to vomit, but they’re the best for getting my legs in shape.”