Anne Hathaway Speaks on Starving Herself to “Look Near Death”

Anne Hathaway underwent a dramatic makeover for her Les Miserables role, and now she’s opened up on having to lose a lot of weight for the part. She reveals that for a two week period during the filming she aimed to get herself looking near death and had to go on a starvation diet, only eating two dried oatcakes a day to sustain herself.  Anne admits that she had to be “obsessive” about her weight loss in order to get the results she wanted:

“I had to be obsessive about it—the idea was to look near death, looking back on the whole experience—and I don’t judge it in any way—it was definitely a little nuts. It was definitely a break with reality, but I think that’s who Fantine is anyway.”

Speaking on chopping off all of her hair for the part, Anne says that she loves it because it is practical and  she was comfortable enough with her appearance because as she turns 30 she has begun to feel more at home with her look and believes she’s pretty:

“I love the short-haired lifestyle, it’s awesome that I was able to go for a hike right before I came here to meet you, quickly wash my hair, and now it’s dry. But I’m turning 30, and—I hope this isn’t obnoxious to say—I feel prettier, and much more myself. I guess I just feel much more satisfied with less now.”