5 Stars Who’ve Said That Regular Sex Keeps Them Young

Too much information? Probably! These 5 celebrities have opened up on how they stay feeling and looking young, and they say having regular sex helps keep them youthful. Believing it’s just one factor that can make them feel young and help them forget their age, these celebrities have candidly admitted that plenty of sex is one of their biggest tips to feeling great at any age.

Cameron Diaz


Cameron thinks sex is natural and one thing that she counts as a help: “The fountain of youth? Let’s see – I guess it’s exercise, healthy diet, lots of water, lots of laughter, lots of sex – yes, sex, we need that as human beings. It’s healthy, it’s natural.”

Demi Moore

Demi believes sex helps her forget her age: “I would say that a lot of sex helps. It’s the endorphins! But there’s more than that, it’s also sharing a quality life with someone.”

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth commented that sex is one part of her life that keeps her feeling youthful: “Honestly, it’s pretty basic stuff, like exercise and self-discovery. Looking at life as an opening and an adventure – and love and sex.”

Jane Fonda

Jane thinks it’s one of many factors: “I owe 30% to genes, 30% to good sex, 30% because of sports and a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition, and for the remaining 10%, I have to thank my plastic surgeon. I’m happier. The sex is better and I understand life better. I don’t want to be young again.”

Morgan Freeman

Morgan says sex makes him feel young and good about himself: ”If you can get enough of it, it keeps you young. It’s all about your attitude towards you, isn’t it? So if you’ve got enough of the opposite sex telling you you’re sexy, and proving it to you, you’re never old.”