5 Celebs Who’ve Made Insensitive Remarks About Caitlyn Jenner

So many celebrities have been incredibly positive about Caitlyn Jenner and her Vanity Fair cover reveal, and although the majority only had kind words and were inspired by the brave move, there were a few who were negative and made insensitive remarks that seemed inappropriate. While some may have been accidental, others certainly knew what they were saying, and still didn’t mind insulting Caitlyn’s gender transition journey.

Connor Cruise


After it was announced that Caitlyn had won an award for her bravery, Connor took to twitter to say: “Really?? Winning the AA award for courage?? Ashton is gonna come out and yell PUNK’D. Don’t get me wrong. Do what you feel like doing and don’t let anyone stop you. But everyone is taking this way too seriously…There are so many more important things that should be talked about…And SO MANY MORE IMPORTANT PEOPLE that actually deserve an award.”

Drake Bell

Drake angered twitter followers by writing: “Sorry…Still calling you Bruce.” but he went on to say: “I’m not dissing him! I just don’t want to forget his legacy!He is the greatest athlete of all time! Chill out!”

Jamie Foxx

While appearing on stage during an awards show, Jamie said that Caitlyn: “will be here doing a his and hers duet by himself. I’m just busting your balls while I still can.”

Snoop Dogg

Snoop called Caitlyn a ‘science project’ in a tweet: “Shout out to Akon! He is about to supply 600 million africans with solar power. Im really upset that this isn’t major news but that science project bruce jenner is #Society.”


Timbaland said he wasn’t willing to accept the name change: “His momma named him Bruce. Imma call him Bruce.”