10 Celebrities Who Played The Role Of A Nurse

Some celebrities actually attended school and studied to become nurses before they made it big in Hollywood, but many stars have portrayed the career either on TV shows or in movies. They’re not qualified to care for us in real life, but check out which of the hottest actresses got to care for patients while playing a nurse onscreen.

Sandra Bullock

Bullock played a nurse in the 1996 film In Love and War, which was set during World War I. An RN stayed on set during filming to advise Sandra and the other actors.

Julia Roberts

Julia played a private nurse early on in her acting career. She starred in the 1991 film Dying Young after her initial Pretty Woman success.

Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada played a nurse at a Virginia hospital on the TNT series Hawthorne, which got cancelled late last year.